Location: Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
Salón de Grados (3rd floor)
Faculty of Philosphy and Arts
University of Valladolid
Plaza del Campus Universitario, s/n
47011 Valladolid
Thursday, 19 October
10:15 Welcome and opening of the workshop
10:30 Sebastián Figueroa
(Autonomous University of Madrid)
Intentional agency and temporal structures of imputation
(Summary; Full text)
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Ivar Hannikainen
(University of Granada)
Intentionality and moral guilt in 13 countries
13:30 Lunch
(Restaurant of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts)
15:30 Cristina Corredor
Intention and harm in speech acts of blaming
16:30 José V. Hernández
(University of Valladolid)
Asymmetric intentionality: The bad, the ugly, the false
21:00 Workshop Dinner
(Los Zagales Restaurant)
Friday, 20 October
10:30 Alba García
(University of A Coruña)
Intentionality, fake news as communicative acts and their effects on Economics
(Summary; Full text)
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Fernando Aguiar
Can moral disgust be a reflective emotion?
13:30 Lunch
(Restaurant of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts)
15:30 Manuel Almagro & Neftalí Villanueva
(University of Granada)
The Knobe effect: Perception of offensiveness and political identity
16:30 Amir Horowitz
(Open University of Israel)
Content ascriptions, indeterminacy, and naturalism
(Summary; Full text)