Location: Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
Aula Magna Lope de Rueda (1st floor)
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
University of Valladolid
Plaza del Campus Universitario, s/n
47011 Valladolid
Thursday, 16 May
9:00 Conference Opening
9:15 Edouard Machery
(University of Pittsburgh)
No luck for moral luck
10:30 María Jiménez-Buedo
What do we measure in the dictator game? Constructs, validity and the threat of methodological artifacts
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Mikel Asteinza
(University of the Basque Country)
Epistemic determinants of scientific disclosure and their impact on the legal audience: The case of de-extinction
12:30 Andrei Moldovan & Obdulia Torres
(University of Salamanca)
Expertisia as a contextual property
13:00 Fernando Aguiar
(Institute of Philosophy, CSIC)
Would you hire a person with an intellectual disability? An experimental study on action and compassion
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Fernando Sanantonio
(Autonomous University of Barcelona)
External sanctions, compliance and avoidance in vegetarianism as a normative system
16:30 Daniel Martín
(University of Granada)
Attitudes toward moral improvement based on virtual assistance
21:00 Conference Dinner
Friday, 17 May
9:15 Edouard Machery
(University of Pittsburgh)
The geography of wisdom
10:30 Ivar Hannikainen
(University of Granada)
What is ‘consenting’?
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Javier Anta
(University of Sevilla)
An experimental approach to the ordinary meaning of ‘information’
12:30 Rodrigo Díaz
(Institute of Philosophy, CSIC)
Describing (erroneously) recalcitrant emotions
13:00 David Rodríguez-Arias
(University of Granada)
Contemporary end-of-life bioethics: Empirical and experimental contributions
14:00 Lunch