Moral Cognition and Communication in Autism (7-8 March 2024)
The Second Workshop of the project ‘Knobe Effect in Aesthetic, Moral and Alethic domains’ (KEAMA) will take place on 7-8 March 2024 in Valladolid. In this interdisciplinary workshop we will address fundamental concerns related to moral cognition and communication in the context of autism.
The workshop is open to scholars and young researchers in philosophy and psychology to address the following (non-exhaustive) questions:
i. How do autistic subjects ascribe moral intentionality?
ii. What impact does autism have on moral decision-making?
iii. How do individuals with autism perceive and engage with moral concepts and ethical communication?
iv. How does autism affect language development and communication skills?
Invited Speakers
Elena Castroviejo Miró (University of the Basque Country)
Irene García Molina (Jaume I University)
Nuria Esteve Gibert (Open University of Catalonia)
Valentina Petrolini (University of the Basque Country)
Greta Mazzaggio (University of Florence)
Call for Contributions
The Organizing Committee encourages contributions on topics related to the theme of the workshop, suitable for a 40-minute presentation.
Contributions should be submitted to keamaworkshop@uva.es with the subject «Contribution proposal» by 31 January 2024. Two PDF documents are required: (1) an extended abstract (at least 2000 words) prepared for blind review; and (2) a separate document with personal details and affiliation.
Authors of accepted papers will be notified by 15 February 2024.
Organizing Committee
José V. Hernández & María Caamaño (University of Valladolid)
Contact & Information
The 2nd Workshop KEAMA is funded by a 2022 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation.